Kick-Off online Meeting

The Kick-off Meeting was organized online on 17th January 2023, following the General
Agreement obligation to have an initial meeting during the first month of the project. The
meeting brought together representatives from each partner institution, providing an
opportunity to get to know each other. The main objective of the meeting was to familiarize
participants from the consortium with the project, review project activities, outcomes, and
timeframe, and discuss formal matters. Hans Thor Andersen, from Aalborg University, briefly
presented the topics mentioned above regarding the project. Additionally, the kick-off
meeting established a timeline for the upcoming event in Copenhagen in February 2023.

10.00-10.15: Welcome by Hans Thor Andersen
10.15-10.45: Presentation of project participants
10.45-10.50: Short break
10.50-11.05: The purpose of the project
11.05-11.20: Implementation and formalities
11.20-11.50: Questions and discussion
11.50-12.00: Next steps and February meeting and training