Decoding the spatial dynamics of sales and rental prices in a high-pressure Portuguese housing market: A random forest approach for the Lisbon Metropolitan Area
The governance of urban regeneration in Lisbon: Drivers of continuity and change
O município de Lisboa e a execução do Regime Especial de Comparticipação na Recuperação de Imóveis Arrendados (RECRIA): entre as estruturas e a agência.
The governance of affordable housing through public-private partnerships: Critical entanglements
Housing and Inequality: The Case of Portugal, in Inequality: Economic and Social Issues
Repensar as políticas de habitação e de planeamento a partir do Bairro Novo de Évora
Taking the Social out of Social Housing? Recent Developments, Current Tendencies, and Future Challenges to the Danish Social Housing Model
Urban Regeneration, Rent Regulation and the Private Rental Sector in Portugal: A Case Study on Inner-City Lisbon’s Social Sustainability
Conference papers and seminar presentations
Demographics and Trends in Housing Development: The Case of Post-Socialist Serbia
Comparing Housing Policies for Roma Communities in Serbia and Portugal
In Atas do III Congresso de Direito do Urbanismo
In A. Jevtić (Ed.), 20. Naučno-stručna konferencija sa međunarodnim učešćem “Urbanizam i održivi razvoj”
The Space of Difference – the Provision of Social Housing in Serbian cities, 9th EUGEO Congress “Geography – For Common Future” (ID Abstract 915), Barcelona, Spain.
Media presentations
O modelo de regeneração de Aalborg Øst: Um projeto LEGO de esperança
Projekt DASH: Ein Treffen in Aalborg
Talks and Presentations

Hartmann, J., Alves, S., & Cabrita, F. (2024). Why the municipal matters: lessons from Germany and Portugal for addressing Europe’s housing crisis [PowerPoint slides].

Allegra, M. (2023). From the PER to the NGPH. 30 years of housing policy in Portugal [PowerPoint slides].

Hartmann, J., & Burkhardt, A. (2023). Social housing under the perspective of a balance sheet, Germany [PowerPoint slides].

Andersen, H. T., Nielsen, R. S., & Nordberg, L. W. (2023). Housing in Denmark [PowerPoint slides].

Hartmann, J. (2023). Small-scaled, urban, diverse. The Tübingen development strategy [PowerPoint slides].

Nielsen, R. S. (2023). The parallel society legislation: social engineering in radical neighbourhood regeneration [PowerPoint slides].